The Michener Award celebrates and honours outstanding and unbiased journalism that results in positive change for the public good. Established in 1971, it is Canada’s premier journalism award.
The Michener Award is presented annually to news organizations, rather than individuals. Entries are judged for their professionalism, their impact on the public, and the degree of arms-length public benefit that is generated. Daily and weekly newspapers, news agencies, radio and television stations and networks, online news sites, and periodicals are eligible. Other criteria include the resources available to the news organizations: an effort to level the playing field for small, medium and large applicants.
Since its inception, a rich variety of news organizations have had their names inscribed on Michener trophies – large and small news organizations, print and broadcast, French and English, East and West. The Michener was the first national journalism award open to both broadcast and print media.
The Michener Awards and Fellowships pride themselves on their independent and objective adjudication process.